How You Can Help


We know that going after the unreached of Africa (or what we call “mandate operations” or #manOps) is a HUGE undertaking. We’re willing to give ourselves fully to God’s dream and do what He asks us to do. We absolutely can’t do it alone though. It takes the Body of Christ together to see the lost come to know Jesus. 

That’s where we need your help. Would you consider being apart of the #manOps Team? 



How You Can Pray for Us

  • We need prayer for this massive undertaking. Things like our relationships (marriage, as parents, etc), physical health, emotional and mental health, safety, and unity for our missionary families.

  • Prayer for God’s wisdom, direction and strategy. We must have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

  • Prayer for abundant provision and finances to accomplish the vision

  • Quality Jesus-loving, bold, Holy Spirit empowered laborers who are called to work along side us.


How you can help financially

The #1 thing we need is MONTHLY SUPPORT for our missionaries. Would you consider investing in this vision by partnering monthly with us? Any amount is appreciated.


  1. Support a student missionary during his or her training.

  2. Contribute to missions training funds that will allow us to train our students on the field.

  3. Items for the school such as a 19 seater bus to transport students, sound equipment for worship and outreaches.


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